Bangladesh AgriBiotech and Nutrition Forum (BANF)

Furthering Bangladesh’s national agenda of achieving sustainable food and nutritional security by bridging the Agri-biotech and nutrition communities for a more robust and concerted approach toward research and policy.

In Pursuit of Eradicating Hidden Hunger

Policy Support

Providing support regarding policy and regulatory affairs.


Connecting researchers with critical stakeholders through seminars, workshops, webinars, etc.


Connecting researchers with policymakers and highlighting the best practices.

Partner With Us

Because of our partners' constant support, we can do incredible things!

Our Mission

Furthering Bangladesh’s national agenda of achieving sustainable food and nutritional security by bridging the Agri-biotech and nutrition communities for a more robust and concerted approach toward research and policy.

Bridging Gaps

Bridging the Agri-biotech community and nutrition communities in Bangladesh jointly pursue common goals


Highlighting the role that Agri-biotech can play in helping the nutrition community achieve its targets.


Identifying common areas of interest and designing appropriate interventions to benefit both the communities.

Zero Hunger

Furthering Bangladesh’s national pursuit of SDG 2 by working together and sharing knowledge and resources.

Raising Awareness

Raising awareness among key audiences about the research on Agri-biotech and nutrition in Bangladesh.

Eliminating Misconceptions

Narrowing knowledge gaps and eliminating misconceptions about agriculture, biotech, and nutrition among critical audiences.


Exploring partnership opportunities to share knowledge and resources to achieve better nutritional outcomes for agricultural products.

Policy Support

Providing support to the network members regarding policy and regulatory affairs.

Innovative Research

Encouraging individuals to do creative research to develop fresh business ideas, technology, and processes.

Our Vision

BANF envisions a self-sufficient Bangladesh in terms of food and nutrition, especially for those who need it the most.


Our Activities



Educating People
Fighting Hidden Hunger
School Campaigns
Self-sufficient Bangladesh
Women's Empowerment
Poverty Eradication

Because Of Our Partners' Constant Support, We Can Do Incredible Things!

Dr. Abdullah Mohammad Shohael

Extreme hunger and mal- nutrition remains a barrier to sustainable develop- ment and creates a trap from which people cannot easily escape.